Graduation Poem | Ryan Ngala

Graduation Poem Edited, Recited, Typed & Written By Ms. Diana Cruz, Mr. Ryan Ngala & Ms. Wendy Ngala Ryan Ngala's Poems™ | STN® Poetry™ | It’s a glorious morning, And a special event, Students looking their best, As if heaven sent. They start their goodbyes, As well as their hello’s, To the past and the present, As their future's unroll. They’re awarded with, Smiles and cheers, Out of control, The previous year’s memories, Bring the tears that start to roll. The tears you said, You wouldn’t cry, When you got to this moment, But with all the joy it brings, You just have to own it. Despite all the haters, Who said you couldn’t do it, You didn’t get mad but said, You would just have to prove it. You look out and see the ones you care for, By your side, Proud of what you’ve accomplished, It was always inside. Y...